February Home Hacks

by Jen Holden

nothing says “I love you!” like a bit of home maintenance, amirite 😜? if a little pre-spring cleaning is your jam (and seriously, isn't it everyone's?), now is the perfect time to get a head start. ⁣
to help, here’s a February home maintenance checklist sure to get your juices flowin’:⁣
💡Freshen indoor paint on walls, cabinets, doors, and trim.⁣
🧹Clean and reorganize your laundry room, so it’s clutter-free and more efficient.⁣
🔨Clean the air duct that connects the back of your dryer to the outside vents.⁣
🔧Clean the refrigerator condenser coils at the back or on the bottom of the appliance.⁣
🧰Clean the range hood filter and fan.⁣
🧽Clean and degrease kitchen cabinets.⁣
⚒Clean garbage disposal by running it with crushed ice to sharpen, then with baking soda and citrus peels.⁣
🧹Vacuum the box springs and the mattress top and bottom. Rotate or flip the mattress.⁣
💡Check caulking and grout around sinks, showers, and tubs⁣
🔨Inspect the roof (with a friend’s help holding the ladder) for missing shingles and damaged vent boots.⁣
🔧Check the foundation for cracks that can cause significant issues when spring rains arrive.⁣
🧰Test carbon monoxide and smoke detectors; replace batteries as needed.⁣
Keeping your home looking beautiful is a year-round endeavor! Curious about the improvements that add the most value in your neighborhood? I’d love to share what I’m seeing in your neck of the woods as we head into spring. Reach out anytime - 443.803.7620 or jen@thejenholdengroup.com. 💝🥰🏡

+1(443) 803-7620


2077 Somerville Road, Annapolis, MD, 21401, USA

