What does a “buyers agent” do?

by Jen Holden

buying a home is more than scrolling through listings one day and moving in the next. It’s often a months-long process with dozens of steps along the way. ⁣
so what does a buyer need most to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey? a qualified and experienced buyer’s agent.⁣ Here’s why.
a buyer’s agent:⁣
🌟Provides guidance during pre-approval.⁣
🌟Tracks down listings (including foreclosures and FBSO) that meet your wish list.⁣
🌟Networks with other agents to find soon-to-market listings that may be just right.⁣
🌟Monitors market trends that affect any offers you make.⁣
🌟 Negotiates contingencies, closing timeline, and final contract price.⁣
🌟Recommends home inspectors (and attends the home inspection on your behalf).⁣
🌟 Mediates questions regarding repairs in the home inspection.⁣
🌟 Communicates with the seller’s agent and your attorney all the way to closing.⁣
want an expert and friend to join your team as you move towards homeownership? i'd love to be your buyer’s agent. reach out to me anytime to discuss your real estate goals and your best path forward to homeownership! ⁣text/call me at 443.803.7620 or email jen@thejenholdengroup.com!

+1(443) 803-7620


2077 Somerville Road, Annapolis, MD, 21401, USA

